Two Decks

April 14th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink

Today I’m posting about two Kickstarter projects, both of which are follow-ups of earlier successful projects.

The first is a deck by Nakisha VanderHoeven called Rabbit Tarot. This adorable rabbit themed deck has been so popular, its ready for its third edition.

Take a look at the video below to see all the cards, and visit the Rabbit Tarot project page to learn more. You might even want to get a copy for yourself.

The second project I wanted to mention is The Wooden Tarot by Amy Swartz.

This is a beautiful deck that was first created as a Majors-only. Due to popular demand, however, Swartz was encouraged to do the whole deck and is now putting together all 78 images. They’re quite stunning.

You can see Swartz talk about her deck in the video below, and visit The Wooden Tarot: Full Deck project page to see more of the images.

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