In Search Of … an art show

April 3rd, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

A plastic crystal ball, a giant wish bone and a Ouija board planchette big enough to be a coffee table.

These are only a few of the magical pieces you’ll see at In Search Of, an art show by Andrew Mowbray at Boston’s La Montagne Gallery.

All the pieces represent objects people go to, either to foretell the future, or to try to direct it in their favour.

Mowbray plays with the ideas of finding meaning in art, by playing with objects that people fill with meaning. And apparently he’s found it all a little absurd. But fun.

Who can be sure if there’s really meaning in anything beyond what we project, but I do know I want one of those giant planchettes.

The show only runs until Saturday, April 16th, so if you’re in the Boston area, go soon.

La Montagne Gallery
555 E 2ND Street
South Boston, MA 02127
[email protected]
hours: Wed-Sat, 12 to 6pm

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