Venus in Sagittarius – Empress in Temperance's Clothing

October 7th, 2013 § 0 comments

Venus in Sagittarius or the Empress dressed in Temperance's Clothing

Empress as Temperance

Venus moves into Sagittarius today and will stay there until November 5th.

From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the Empress is wearing Temperance’s clothing. She’s changed her gown and has sprouted some wings.

Venus in Sagittarius, or the Empress in Temperance’s clothing, is a time of creative harmony.

It’s perfect for opening your heart and senses to the beauty around you. Things might feel more magical than usual, but it all comes down to perspective.

The magic of the earth is everywhere always, we just don’t always notice it. Right now though, it’s hard to miss. Enjoy and give thanks.

Use this time to balance your emotional and practical life. It could be easier than you think. Miracles are possible, but you have to open your heart to let them in.

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