Queen of Cups
July 26th, 2023 § Comments Off on Queen of Cups § permalink
Tarot Card of the Day – 7/26/23
July 26th, 2023 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 7/26/23 § permalink
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
6 of Wands
Victory is finally at hand. You’ve won the game and everyone’s cheering. It wasn’t always easy so the win is that much sweeter.
Have a good time and enjoy what you’ve worked so hard to master.
Your good fortune probably has a lot to do with staying true to your heart. Keep it up.
This isn’t an unexpected gift from the skies, it’s acknowledgement for doing something special.
Moon in Scorpio – High Priestess in Death’s Clothing
July 25th, 2023 § Comments Off on Moon in Scorpio – High Priestess in Death’s Clothing § permalink
The moon moves into Scorpio today and stays there until Friday.
If you translate this transit into the Tarot, you could say that the High Priestess is dressed as Death. She’s in the midst of a great transformation.
The Moon in Scorpio, or High Priestess in Death’s clothing, suggests a time when feelings run deep. The ability to end relationships that don’t work, or release stagnant emotions is accentuated.
If there’s a situation in your life that’s nearing its completion, especially if it’s emotional or relationship-oriented, this might be a good time to let it go. At least explore it with emotional clarity.
This isn’t a time to be afraid, but rather a time to face your fears with equanimity and intelligence.
You’ve got what it takes. Don’t back down from the scary stuff.
Tarot Card of the Day – 7/25/23
July 25th, 2023 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 7/25/23 § permalink
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Prince of Wands
Charge forward with strength and vitality. This is a day of power, passion and growing energy. Your plan is in place and now’s the time to take it to the next step. Use your internal fire to take you where you’re trying to go.
You don’t need to wait till everything’s perfect to start moving. In fact, more often than not, things don’t start falling where they should until you start shifting them up and get some excitement going. Take a chance that you know what you’re doing and act on it. Believe in yourself and don’t be shy.
Queen of Swords
July 24th, 2023 § Comments Off on Queen of Swords § permalink
Tarot Card of the Day – 7/24/23
July 24th, 2023 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 7/24/23 § permalink
Monday, July 24, 2023
10 of Cups
You feel full up with all the love around you. In fact, you might even be a little overwhelmed with how much you care and how loved you feel.
This is a happy time to be with your family or friends or whoever it is that makes up your social community.
You’re probably nearing the end of an important emotional phase. Taking the time now to recognize and be grateful for all you have will help prepare you for the beginning of the next stage of your journey.
Celebrate with your loved ones, remembering with joy and humour all the good and not so good days that brought you to where you are now.
Moon in Libra – High Priestess in Justice’s Clothing
July 23rd, 2023 § Comments Off on Moon in Libra – High Priestess in Justice’s Clothing § permalink
The Moon moves into Libra today, and will stay there until Tuesday.
Looking at this transit through the lens of the Tarot, it would be like the High Priestess is wearing Justice’s clothing. She takes on the mantle of the Karmic Decider.
With the High Priestess as Justice, or the Moon in Libra, we might be required to face up to something and decide.
Our emotions will demand respect. If we’ve leaned too far back or forward, we’ll probably find ourselves moving just as dramatically the other way.
It can be a slightly challenging period, perhaps a little manic. But by the time it’s done, something is likely to have been decided upon.
Don’t be alarmed by conflicting emotions. They’re there because you can see both sides. It’s not good enough though to just acknowledge them and walk away.
During this transit you’re being asked to take a stand one way or another. And you’ve got the wisdom and power to do so.
Sun in Leo – Sun in Strength’s Clothing
July 23rd, 2023 § Comments Off on Sun in Leo – Sun in Strength’s Clothing § permalink
The Sun moved into Leo, and will stay there until August 23rd.
If we look at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it’s like the Sun Child is dressed in Strength’s clothing.
He’s traded in his horse for a lion, and has thrown on a light gown.
The Sun in Leo, or the Sun dressed in Strength’s clothing is a time to shine. Even if you want to hide, there won’t be many dark corners to crawl into.
Creative energies are high, as is the confidence to share what you create.
Don’t be shy. As long as you keep your ego in check, it will be hard to go wrong.
Let openness and enthusiasm rule whatever it is you’re engaged in. There’s a lot of power in play, so enjoy.
Tarot Card of the Day – 7/23/23
July 23rd, 2023 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 7/23/23 § permalink
Sunday, July 23, 2023
#5 – The Hierophant
Spiritual questions and tradition are highlighted during this period. It’s probably important to you now to look carefully at the spiritual structures in your life. Why do you believe what you do? Who are your spiritual authorities and what gives them their legitimacy? Who decides issues of morality for you, your family and/or your community?
Many of these questions are answered with cultural traditions. Today, you’ll probably be examining whether or not the answers you’re accustomed to are still satisfactory. They might be or they might not be. Don’t be afraid to seek out your truth simply because it rubs against your comfort zone. Sometimes growth hurts a bit.
You might be asked to judge someone else’s dispute, or find the need to go to an authority for answers yourself. Keep your mind open, but your skepticism on. Ultimately, you’re the only one who can decide whether something makes sense for your life or not.
The Star
July 22nd, 2023 § Comments Off on The Star § permalink