Abiding in the Sanctuary – special first edition

November 29th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

Arthur Edward Waite

Arthur E Waite

Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin’s new book about Arthur E Waite’s ‘other’ Tarot deck is finally out, or at least the limited first edition is ready to print.

It’s called Abiding in the Sanctuary: The Waite-Trinick Tarot A Christian Mystical Tarot (1917-1923) and promises to shed light on an important piece of Tarot history.

I posted about the book a while back while it was still in production. It explores the story behind the 23 Tarot images Waite commissioned stained-glass artist J.B. Trinick to create.

There are over 80 colour and black and white plates in the book, commentary on the images, biographies of the main players, and a peek into Waite’s mystical system for spiritual development.

Only 250 copies of this first edition will be made, so it’s kind of special. I decided to treat myself to an early Christmas present and ordered one. I can barely wait to see it.

Hopefully it’ll be published in a mass-market form soon as well. And what I’m really hoping for is a printing of the deck itself.

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