Fortune-Telling Case Filed in Federal Court

July 5th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

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Flag of Tennessee

The American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee filed a case in Federal Court last month challenging fortune-telling restrictions in Sevierville.

Psychic and Tarot reader, Rose Williams, was ordered by the City last September to stop offering fortune-telling services, or shut down her business.

Considered ‘adult oriented activity’, she was told she could only continue her work in designated zones.

According to Sevierville bylaw, sexually oriented businesses, tattoo parlors, and psychic and palm reading activities must be at least 1000 feet from any school, church, public assembly facility, and/or residential zoning district.

Williams’ business abuts a residential zoning district.

The ACLU-TN is arguing that the zoning ordinance unconstitutionally limits Williams’ freedom of speech and expression, and deprives her of her rights as granted under the first and fourteenth amendments.

They’re seeking for the ordinance to be overturned, an injunction put in place to prohibit its enforcement, and that Williams be awarded actual and nominal damages.

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