Scottish Politics and Tarot

September 20th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

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Scottish Flag

A 2006 visit to a Tarot reader by Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond was cause for general amusement in parliament a couple of weeks ago.

Opposition and Labour Party leader Iain Gray asked about Salmond’s visit to Gypsy Amalia, who apparently has a picture of him on display in her caravan.

Rather than try to deny the event, Salmond endorsed Amalia saying she correctly predicted the result of the 2007 election, which of course, he won.

He even went so far as to say he’ll be back to visit her again to find out when the next Labour leadership contest would be held.

It was all in good fun, and nice to see that the Tarot reader came off on the positive end of the joke.

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