July 4th, 2016 § Comments Off on The Hermit’s Lamp Speaks with Robert M. Place § permalink
Andrew McGregor of The Hermit’s Lamp recently got together with Tarot designer and scholar Robert M. Place to chat about art, Tarot, and Tarot history. It was a really interesting conversation, and you can hear it here. Take a listen!
And if you like that one, you might want to listen to some of the other great Tarot podcasts from the Hermit’s Lamp. You can see a complete list here. Enjoy!
March 4th, 2016 § § permalink
Two of my favourite card readers – Donnaleigh de La Rose and Andrew McGregor talk together in this wonderful Hemit’s Lamp Podcast called Tarot? Lenormand? Predictions? Wow!
Get comfortable, make yourself a cup of tea, and take a listen –> The Hermit’s Lamp Podcast Episode 47 – Tarot? Lenormand? Predictions? Wow!
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September 24th, 2015 § § permalink
Andrew McGregor of The Hermit’s Lamp, has been doing a series of podcasts where he interviews some very interesting people in the Tarot community.
One of the podcasts I listened to recently features clinical psychologist Dr. Art Rosengarten, who’s the author of Tarot and Psychology, as well as the designer of the Tarot of the 9 Paths.
In the podcast McGregor and Rosengarten discuss everything from how Tarot might work, to Jungian Sand Play, to the paradox of meaning, to reading for men.
Take a listen for yourself, it’s really interesting → The Hermit’s Lamp w/ Dr. Art Rosengarten.
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March 10th, 2015 § § permalink

Andrew McGregor from the Hermit’s Lamp has been organizing something fantastic – The Triumph of Life Tarot Project.
His plan was simple – get a group of artists together to each make an inspirational, life-affirming Tarot card, print the deck when it’s finished, sell it, and donate the money to cancer research.
So far it looks like it’s going really well. The cards are beautiful, and the deck is on track for printing sometime in the next few months.
If you’re interested in learning more about the project, helping out, or spreading the word, visit The Hermit’s Lamp and/or join The Triumph of Life Tarot Project Facebook group.
I’ll keep you posted as I learn more.
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May 22nd, 2014 § § permalink
Two of my favourite Tarot readers/teachers have come together in Andrew McGregor’s most recent podcast – Kindness, Compassion, and Tarot with Theresa Reed, aka The Tarot Lady.
What a great topic, and what two great people to talk about it.
Take a listen at The Hermit’s Lamp website, or through iTunes.
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April 25th, 2014 § § permalink
Gail Fairfield is one of Tarot’s modern pioneers. She’s been reading cards since the early 70s and her book Choice Centered Tarot was (and still is) truly influential in breaking down the old ‘fortune-telling’ style of reading.
Her focus on the essence of each card, and the system of Tarot itself, helps make reading with any deck relatively straightforward. It certainly helped me when I first started reading.
I’m writing about Gail Fairfield now because I just listened to a fabulous podcast where Andrew McGregor of The Hermit’s Lamp interviews her about gender, Tarot, and how she came to develop her own ideas about the cards.
It’s a really interesting discussion for Tarot newbies and experienced readers alike. Take a listen by downloading it for free at the Hermit’s Lamp, or at iTunes.
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February 23rd, 2014 § § permalink
When Andrew McGregor of The Hermit’s Lamp first released his limited edition Tarot Waiting To Happen deck, he offered people a chance to get themselves drawn as one of the cards.
I asked if I could be drawn with my darling cat Carl JK as the Queen of Wands. Here’s the result! I love it!!

And I really like the deck too. It’s based on the Marseille Tarot, but instead of replicating the traditional images, McGregor imagined what might have happened just before the picture we usually see.
For instance, why is the Hanged Man hanging, and what was Justice doing before heading to court?
You can see all the cards at The Hermit’s Lamp website. I think there might even be a few copies of the deck still available if you’re interested in getting one for yourself.
And just a reminder, if you’re in the Toronto area and think you might want to visit The Hermit’s Lamp in person, please note, they’ve moved to a fabulous new home at 425 Vaughn Road.
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September 10th, 2013 § § permalink
Tarot Waiting to Happen is a brand new, very limited edition Majors-only deck by Andrew McGregor of The Hermit’s Lamp, and it’s fantastic!!
Though it follows a traditional Tarot storyline, it does so by looking at the moments just before the situations we usually see portrayed in the cards. Times like Justice reading up on a decision before trial, or the Emperor as he’s putting on his clothes.
We even see what might have got the Hanged Man swinging.
The idea is fabulous, and I love the black and white line drawings. The only thing I could wish for is that McGregor follows this deck up with a 78-card version.
To see images of all the cards, and to order a copy of your own, visit The Hermit’s Lamp website.
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June 30th, 2013 § § permalink

Yay!!! The Toronto Tarot Portal is back!!!
James Wells and Andrew McGregor, two of my favourite Toronto Tarot teachers, have returned to the podcast airwaves after an almost one year hiatus.
In their latest episode, Andrew and James dig deep into Tarot Trump #12, the Hanged Man.
What does he mean in our daily lives?
Sacrifice, being stuck, getting hung up, punished, or just hanging out getting ready to change.
And what does James mean by ‘wise mush’?
Take a listen – Ego and the Hanged Man at the Toronto Tarot Portal on iTunes.
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January 31st, 2013 § § permalink
If you’re a spiritual practitioner in the Toronto area looking to increase both your connection to ‘spirit’ and to other people working in the field, you might be interested in the Spiritual Seekers Conference.
The weekend long gathering will be held at Wonderworks, and hosted by Andrew McGregor of The Hermit’s Lamp, Monica Bodirsky of Hedgewitchery, and Rochelle Holt of Wonderworks.
They’ve got a long line-up of excellent presenters – James Wells, Tammy Neilson, Erin Bentley, Chris Emmanuel, Anita Kuno, Des Sagrago, and of course McGregor, Bodirsky and Holt as well.
It’s going to be a really interesting weekend!!
Visit the Spiritual Seekers Conference website to learn more!
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