Beyond Worlds Tarot Book Hall of Fame

November 20th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Donnaleigh de LaRose has added yet another Tarot treat to the Beyond Worlds line up – audio Tarot book reviews.

She’s gathered together Tarot experts from all over, asking them to review their favourite Tarot books, and to do it on tape.

It’s a wonderful way to learn about some of the amazing books out there from people who really know their cards.

Each podcast is free, and can be downloaded 24 hours a day. There’s only three up right now, but there will be more and I’m looking forward to them.

Maybe I’ll even do one myself. She’s asking for submissions.

Below I’ve posted Angelo Nassio’s review of Corrine Kenner’s Tarot and Astrology. It’s a great book, and an excellent review.

Angelo does regular video Tarot podcasts on Youtube. Check them out when you’ve got some time.

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