"The Tarot Is Not To Be Played With"

October 27th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Who knew that Anthony Burgess, author of A Clockwork Orange, was crazy for Tarot? I didn’t.

I just got Mary K. Greer’s latest blog update (if you’re not subscribing to her blog yet – do it now) and she’s written about a BBC broadcast of Burgess’ short story Chance Would Be A Fine Thing. The story is about a not-so-wise woman who looks to the cards for some gambling advice. And it’s fabulous!!

Burgess himself designed a Tarot deck and was apparently fascinated by prediction. His biographer, Andrew Biswell describes him as having, “had a strong interest in horoscopes, tarot cards and predictive dreams.” In volume two of his autobiography, he claimed to have predicted Kennedy’s assassination a year before it happened.

This cautionary Tarot tale is brilliantly read by John Sessions. It’s only 20 minutes long, but don’t wait to listen. It’s only going to be available till this Friday, October 29th. After that it’ll disappear till 2013 when we can see it again in the Collected Short Stories Biswell is editing.

Go listen now!

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