The Soul of Science

October 29th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

In the fall of last year, artist Daniel Martin Diaz became obsessed with scientific diagrams. Though he knew they weren’t intended for their aesthetic value, he thought they were beautiful and was inspired to create his own.

In his forthcoming book, Soul of Science, Diaz shows us some of what he’s come up with. Using ink and graphite, he interprets big concepts like consciousness from a scientific, philosophical, and spiritual perspective.

The book will include 40 drawings by Diaz, as well essays by esteemed scientists and experts in various fields of study – mathematics, biomedicine, philosophy, plasma physics, etc.

Diaz’s work is gorgeous. And bringing together science, art, and the spirit like this is exciting.

Take a look at the video below to learn more about the project.

And if you feel like helping to make it happen and getting a copy of the book for yourself, stop by the Soul of Science Kickstarter Project page to donate.

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