Chocolate: Pathway to the Gods

September 24th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Chocolate: Pathway to the Gods by Meredith Dreiss and Sharon Edgar Greenhill

Chocolate: Pathway to the Gods

If you’ve got a passion for chocolate and are looking for a spiritual reason to indulge, this may be the book and DVD for you.

Chocolate: Pathway to the Gods by Meredith Dreiss and Sharon Edgar Greenhill uncovers the sacred in a cup of cocoa.

Published in 2008 as the first in a series on sacred foods of the Americas, the book describes the role of chocolate in Mesoamerican religion, politics, economics, and healing through the last 3000 years.

Coveted by gods and humans alike, chocolate has played an integral part in fertility, harvest, marriage, death and rebirth rituals.

And not just by the ancients. Women in modern day Oaxaca still practice the secret methods of cocoa processing.

Certainly contemporary societies’ demand for chocolate in all forms is insatiable. And we too use it to celebrate love at Valentines, and rebirth at Easter.

Delicious, magical, and at least in its dark form, good for our health – chocolate has it all!

So try seeing your next chocolate craving as a message from the divine. Sometimes indulgence is what the gods are asking of us.

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