Stones of Fate – a tarot game

May 27th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Here’s a Kickstarter Tarot Game project I can get behind … Stones of Fate, a strategy game based on Tarot cards and illustrated by none other than Ciro Marchetti!

Stones of Fate was designed by Luke Laurie and is being released by Cosmic Wombat Games.

In it players try to win points through gathering up the ‘good’ cards and discarding those that aren’t so fun.

To see how the game is played, visit the Cosmic Wombat Games website, and to learn more about the Kickstarter campaign, take a look at the video below.

It sounds like a lot of fun, and with Ciro illustrating, I’m certain that it’s gorgeous. I hope they raise the money they need … I’ve got my order in.

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A Divine Montage from Ciro Marchetti

May 11th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

The incomparable Ciro Marchetti has sadly decided to retire from the world of Tarot, but the incredible decks and Tarot characters he’s created will continue spreading their magic for many years to come.

The video below is a montage of some of that magic. It’s a collection of Ciro’s own favourites as first shown to his lucky audience at last month’s Readers’ Studio 2013.

Take a look. They’re beautiful!!

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Ciro Marchetti's Gilded Reverie – Lenormand Grand Tableau Cloth and Cards

January 4th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Ciro Marchetti’s Lenormand deck has already sold out of its first two printings, but at least according to his website, more copies will be available soon.

The Gilded Reverie Deck is just gorgeous. As with all Marchetti creations, it’s rich, lush, and swimming in magical light. I hope I manage to get a copy myself soon before it’s sold out again.

And if I do, I’d also like to get myself one of the Reverie themed Houses of the Grand Tableau reading cloths. They’re amazing!!

Donnaleigh de LaRose has one already, and in the video below, she lets us see just how fabulous they are.

Take a look …

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The Lenormand Cards

September 8th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Marie Anne Lenormand

Marie Anne Lenormand was a French fortune-teller born in the late 1700s. Through the Napoleonic era she was heralded as one of the greatest cartomancers of all time.

Mlle. Lenormand was said to have read for the likes of Robespierre, Marat, the Empress Josephine, and Czar Alexander himself.

She made quite a stir during her lifetime, writing books and other texts, causing many a public controversy, and sometimes even ending up in jail.

And though she herself didn’t use the deck her name was later attached to, her cartomantic powers seem to have lived on through it.

The Lenormand deck in its various manifestations has become quite in fashion among the Tarot folk these days. Even I recently caught the bug.

At BATS I attended a seminar on the topic with Mary Greer and within hours I had myself two news decks of 36 cards each.

You read these cards a little differently than Tarot. The meanings of each are much more fixed. They’re more like words in a sentence than symbols in a dream, but I’m starting to catch on.

Beyond Worlds has a Lenormand tutorial series and Donnaleigh herself has been posting how-to videos. I’ve got a lot watching and listening to do.

And though I’m looking forward to having a new divinatory tool to play with, I’m afraid I’ll find all the new Lenormand decks hard to resist.

Take a look at Ciro Marchetti’s soon to be released Gilded Reverie to see what I mean. It’s beautiful.

As if I need another reason to buy cards.

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The Gilded Tarot Royale

February 8th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Ciro Marchetti is a legend in the Tarot world. He’s the creator of many beautiful decks including the Legacy of the Divine, the Oracle of Visions, and the Tarot of Dreams.

But his first deck, the Gilded Tarot, is still an all time favourite, and within the Tarot world, it’s a smash hit sensation.

It’s sold over 250,000 copies worldwide, with translations available in Czech, Russian, Slovenian, Greek, German, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish, French, and Chinese.

But Marchetti’s still not completely satisfied. He’s thrilled with the incredible reception his deck has received, but he wants the deck itself to be even better.

Since he made the Gilded, the technology he used has developed way beyond what it was, and he himself has learnt a lot more about Tarot through the years.

So he’s gone ahead and redone it, making it bigger, and more detailed, and with actual gilding on the sides of the cards.

It’ll be self-published, and available only through Marchetti’s website. And it’s got a new name – the Gilded Tarot Royale.

Take a look at the video below to see images from the new cards. And go to his site to look at comparisons between the original version and the new one.

The old ones were nice, but the new ones are gorgeous.

Ciro was a guest on Beyond Worlds just last Sunday, and he talked about his new deck. Take a listen here …

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Tarosophy Tarot Conference III – September 17/18, 2011

May 1st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Arthur Edward Waite

Arthur E. Waite

Another great tarot event in England …

The Tarosophy Tarot Conference III, will be held September 17-18 in Keswick, the Lake District, UK.

Great guest speakers will be there – Ciro Marchetti, Dan Pelletier, Carrie Paris, Richard Abbot, and Tarosophy’s own Marcus Katz.

And Marcus has a special treat for everyone.

For the first time ever, he’ll be presenting all the images from Arthur E. Waite’s SECOND Tarot. And in full colour!

He has new research and a fully restored Tree of Life illustrating Tarot as a spiritual path.

It’s going to be brilliant. Get your tickets now.

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Puzzling Over Tarot

March 9th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

Tarot Ravensburger Puzzle 200

Tarot Ravensburger

They started on February 19th and nine days later they were done.

Floridians Tim and Peggy Baker patiently organized and connected 2000 little pieces of cardboard until the fantasy figures from Ciro Marchetti’s Legacy of the Divine finally appeared.

And they filmed the whole thing.

3.7 pounds of Ravensburger puzzle. Wow.

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Ciro Marchetti's Oracle of Visions

February 4th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

Ciro Marchetti’s Oracle of Visions is almost here!

Creator of the Gilded, The Tarot of Dreams and the Legacy of the Divine decks, Marchetti was looking to expand beyond the confines of Tarot.

He liked working with an Oracle deck, saying that it had ‘a more flexible platform with fewer rules to adhere to and fewer rules to break.’

The Oracle of Visions has no one theme. Marchetti chose instead to mix faux Victoriana, theatre, and nature with his trademark jesters and masked figures.

He was trying to keep the ideas open, no one particular archetype being stamped on any one card.

Marchetti hopes that the surreal images will serve as visual triggers. Combined with a reader’s intuition and life experience, they should provide some compelling readings.

The deck comes with a full colour companion book and interactive CD with themed avatars, wallpapers and screen savers.

Here’s one of the screen savers you get with the CD. Very nice.

listen here to Ciro Marchetti on Beyond Worlds last June.

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