Playing With Fire

March 23rd, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Page of Wands from the Smith Waite Tarot

Page of Wands

The Page of Wands is the youngest member of the Wand family. And compared to the Queen, King, and even the Knight, he’s a beginner, just learning how to control his element of fire. He’s a student on a path to mastery.

I got to thinking about this Page as I watched the James Hyde Steals the Show episode below. In it Hyde visits Adam Rinn, professor of the Sideshow School in Coney Island, and master Sword Swallower and Fire Eater.

Rinn teaches Hyde to both swallow flame and shoot it out of his mouth like a dragon. As you can see in the piece, the learning process isn’t always easy, but the results can be astounding.

10 of Swords Reversed from the Smith Waite Tarot

I also couldn’t help but notice that bed of nails Hyde had to lie on before he got to play with the fire.

It reminded me of the 10 of Swords reversed, and the idea that to learn anything new, you have to let go of old concepts that might be limiting your perspective on what’s possible.

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