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June 12th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink

HEAD_RWS King of Wands

In case you ever forget that the King of Wands is the King of Fire, the crown he wears in the Rider Waite Smith deck is actually shaped like flames.

HEAD_RWS Queen of Wands
And with the Queen of Wands, her creativity is apparent in the leaves sprouting on her headdress.

The Queen of Swords has a crown of butterflies, and her King sports a golden angel just above his third eye.

HEAD_RWS Queen of Swords

HEAD_RWS King of Swords
Take a look at the crowns of all the Kings and Queens in the RWS Tarot Court cards (and the other cards as well). They all have a little something to say about the character whose wearing them.

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