Instruments of Revelation – A Tarot Ballet

March 1st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

ballerinaIf you love Tarot and Ballet and are in the Chicago area March 6th or 9th, you’re in luck.

The Orion Ensemble will be presenting Instruments of Revelation, a ballet about Tarot cards by composer/conductor Victoria Bond.

Founder of Ballet Chicago, Daniel Duell has choreographed a solo for each section of the three-part score. One for the Magician, the High Priestess and the Fool.

Rhythmic and energetic, the music for the Magician shifts suddenly from the mysterious and solemn to the cunning and dexterous.

The music for the High Priestess is expansive, melodic, with long instrumental phrases.

And for the Fool, composer Bond put together some musical chaos with a laughing clarinet.

Bond says she’s been interested in the Tarot for years.

When she was first starting out, one of her friends gave her a reading.

It predicted Bond would work with a very famous conductor and a major symphony orchestra.

She didn’t take it too seriously until it happened, many times over.

Performances will be at 7 p.m. March 6 in Fox Valley Presbyterian Church in Geneva and at 7:30 p.m. on March 9 at Roosevelt University’s Ganz Hall.

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