In order to get a license for a psychic business in Eastpointe, Michigan, you’ll now have to go through a criminal history check, list your past home addresses, submit your employment history, and be fingerprinted.
Under the new law, anyone using cards, tea leaves, psychic powers or other objects to predict the future, remove curses or ‘effectuate other activity’, must get a license from the City Clerk. It’s to be renewed annually and costs $150.
Licenses are to be prominently displayed alongside a rate schedule that must be on a sign at least 8 inches by 10 inches. Violators will face misdemeanor charges punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $500 fine.
According to Councilwoman Veronica Klinefelt, the new regulations were largely a response to newspaper articles about people, particularly seniors, being financially cheated by unscrupulous psychics.
I wonder if the articles they considered were about crimes actually committed in Eastpointe. If not, it seems a little overboard.