June 30th, 2012 § § permalink
Here’s another Tarot Kickstarter Project, but this time it’s not a deck. It’s a dance show called Fortune Telling by the Long Beach, California dance company, RhetOracle.
Fortune Telling will be the company’s 6th full-length show. It features 10 new works, all inspired by the imagery of the Rider Waite Smith deck.
The performance will be structured as a Tarot reading with seven different choreographers each creating a dance based on a particular card.
The cards they’ll explore include the Magician and the Knight of Wands reversed, the Fool, Death, the 8 of Swords, the Hanged Man, and Judgment.
The show looks really interesting. I hope they get the support they need.
Take a look at the video below to see what you think. And for more information, visit the Fortune Telling project page.
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January 4th, 2011 § § permalink
Romanian Flag
Romanian Fortune Tellers have something to celebrate this new year.
As of January 1st, Romania has legally recognized Fortune Telling and Astrology as legitimate professions.
Also added to the ‘personal services’ list are butlers, driving instructors and embalmers. Talk about an odd mix.
There’s still some question as to whether Fortune Tellers will have to pay taxes on their services.
A bill to require that was squashed last fall. Apparently, senators were concerned they were going to be cursed.
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October 22nd, 2010 § § permalink
Another case has been filed in US Federal Court against prohibitions on fortune telling. This case involves Candice Wohlfeil, a tarot reader from East Ridge, Tennessee.
She’s been reading cards from a booth at a flea market since 2007. In 2008 a Codes Enforcer came by and told her she was in violation of a local ordinance banning fortune-telling. She questioned the constitutionality of the law and was told the City would look into it and get back to her. They didn’t, until this past September when she was told that if she didn’t stop reading cards, she’d be fined $500 per violation. She closed down her booth.
After attempting to contact the City Attorney with no success, Wohlfeil approached the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee. They’ve taken up her case and brought it to Federal Court.
As reported by WDEF.com, ACL-TN Cooperating Attorney Donna Roberts of Stites & Harbison PLLC said, “The First Amendment precludes the government from declaring which ideas are acceptable or not. Our client has the right to make predictions, whether for fun or profit, without the government discriminating against the content of her speech.”
I couldn’t agree more. Power to you Candice!
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October 19th, 2010 § § permalink
The State Duma in Russia has taken the first steps to forbid the promotion of ‘mystical’ services through the mass media. According to The Moscow News, at present, such advertising is all over the printed press and TV.
Promising the return of lost love, money spells and cures for illness, shady fortune-tellers are duping the public. At least that’s how the government sees it and they want it to stop.
All healers who claim to use any unconventional or occult methods in their work would be affected by the new law. An exception will be made, however, for those who obtain a valid state license.
The Russian Orthodox Church supports the move. According to RT.com, the Moscow Patriarchate said in a public statement, ‘No civilized country can allow such a rampancy of self-advertising ‘magicians’ and ‘miracle-workers.'”
They too however accepted the possibility that some people may possess certain healing powers, but that their qualifications and methods of work would have to be scientifically confirmed to be accepted as real.
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September 19th, 2010 § § permalink
Romanian witches and fortune tellers are not to be messed with.
The senate there recently rejected a move by Alin Popoviciu, of the ruling Democrat Liberal Party to tax witches and fortune tellers and to make them liable for flawed predictions. According to Popovicu, the senate rejected the proposition because they were afraid angry seers might retaliate and curse the whole lot of them.
Click here for the full story.
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