Letters To The Past

November 30th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

The Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore and Aly Fell

Steampunk Tarot

Take a look at the video below of Barbara Moore, Tarot author, teacher, and most recently, creator of the Steampunk Tarot.

In the segment, she talks about a Tarot project she took part in called Letters To The Past, created by Lyn Howarth-Olds.

Howarth-Olds gathered 22 Tarot luminaries and asked them each to write a letter to someone in the past. The letter was to be Tarot related, but beyond that, the sky was the limit.

After all the letters were written, she put them together in a very limited edition book, hand-made and absolutely gorgeous.

In the video below, Moore shows us the book, and reads the letter that she wrote, which wasn’t just to a figure from the past, but to a fictional figure from the past.

Moore wrote to Sherlock Holmes and told him that he’s a lot like the Tarot. And she makes a good argument. If he were ever alive, I’m sure he would agree with her.

I’d love to read the other letters too. The list of participants is impressive.

It includes everyone from Jean-Claude Flornoy, Hermann Haindl, and Enrique Enriquez to Mary K Greer, Rachel Pollack, Robert M Place, and Ronald Decker. And that’s just to name a few.

The project has been on exhibit at the Southern Symposium in New Zealand, the Association for Tarot Studies Convention in Ste Suzanne, France, and at the Museo dei Tarocchi in Riola, Italy.

Hopefully they’ll bring it to North America for some of the conferences here next year. Till then, we’ll all have to enjoy Barbara’s copy.

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