What is Love?

February 14th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

8 of Wands from the Smith Rider Waite Tarot

In honour of Valentine’s Day, I asked my cards – What is Love?

The card I got was the 8 of Wands. It’s not an overtly romantic, or even emotional card, so it’s not one that I would have chosen consciously for this question.

But it does have some interesting things to say about the topic.

To start, as a Wand card, its element is fire. Creativity, spirit, and passion rule the suit, and in the eight, the energy is balanced and directed, not flying all over willy-nilly.

And the 8 of Wands is a card of communication. A message sent has been delivered and the answer in return is swift and full of enthusiasm, or at least the news received is likely to spark some excitement.

Thinking then about the question – “What Is Love”, I’d have to say that love is swift, enthusiastic communication, balanced and direct. It’s passion extended and passion received. Love is creative energy on the move.

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!! Love to you All!

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