The Goblin Tarot

September 17th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Apparently, the Goblin King has ordered the creation of a Tarot deck, and Michael Wenman has been commissioned to make it.

The suits are Bones, Bugs, Cogs, and Tools, and the court cards are made up of the Mob, the Hero, the Avatar, and the Lady.

In the Goblin Tarot, the minor arcana commemorate great goblin heroes of history, while the majors describe the grand concepts guiding the destiny of the goblin hordes.

Wenman has been designing video games and illustrating comic books for years. Now he’s decided to take on the Tarot, and I like what he’s done.

The deck is already drawn, and a companion book written, but Wenmen has an IndieGoGo page to help raise funds to print them.

If you help him out, you’ll get a copy of the deck for yourself, and of course, the appreciation of the Goblin King.

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