The Morbidly Adorable Tarot Could Use Your Help

June 1st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

There’s a deck being born that needs your help. And it’s so unbearably cute it’s almost painful.

Misty Benson is the creator of the Morbidly Adorable Tarot, and mistress of Morbidly Adorable Creations.

She’s founded the Secret Society of The Morbidly Adorable Tarot on Kickstarter in order to help her finish this absolutely charming deck, eventually to be published by US Games.

And she’s offering all sorts of perks to entice you to join. Everything from access to ‘members only’ video and email updates on the progress of the project, to autographed copies of the deck, or prints and postcards from the Morbidly Adorable collection.

If you’re a super supporter, known in the Secret Society as an Eloping Angel or a Morbidly Adorable Godparent, you can even get one or more of the original paintings.

The deck is going to be really sweet. If you want to help bring it to life, this is your chance.

Membership to the Secret Society is only open till July 15th. Join now!

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