There are a lot of different ways to read Tarot cards. All of them involve using the intuitive faculties, but some are more obviously ‘psychic’ than others.
Nancy Antenucci and Melanie Howard have written a wonderful book focusing on this aspect of Tarot. Rather than being concerned with traditional meanings of the cards, they examine how to read them using your psychic senses.
Appropriately enough, the book is called Psychic Tarot: How to Use Your Natural Psychic Abilities to Read the Cards.
Even if you don’t think you’re psychic, Antenucci and Howard will help get you on the road to believing.
There are exercises galore, spread interpretations, and what they call the Six Principles to Divination, including grounding, intent, form, synchronicity, closure, and integration.
Whether you’re interested in reading just for yourself, or for others, the book helps build confidence in your own inner voice.
I did a lot of the exercises, and really enjoyed myself. I might even be more psychic than I thought.
And I guess that’s the point, we all are. This book helps you see it for yourself.
Take a look at the video below to hear Nancy Antenucci talk about Tarot cards, psychic readings, and the difference between cats and dogs.