Homage To An Octopus

January 25th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Paul the Psychic Octopus

Paul the Octopus

So Paul the Octopus is back in the news. Besides Nostradamus, he’s got to be the most famous psychic in the world. His fame though, is well deserved.

Not only was he able to correctly predict outcomes in the 2010 World Cup, he was also able to get his human companions to understand his predictions.

Quite a feat for any psychic, even Nostradamus. For a cephalopod, it was truly remarkable.

Nostradamus, portrait by his son Cesar


Happily, Paul’s work will not be forgotten. The Sea Life Aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany, were he lived and divined, has erected a monument to his memory.

Unveiled last Thursday, the memorial is a six-foot plastic replica of Paul clutching a soccer ball in his tentacles.

His ashes are inside the ball, in a gold-leaf urn designed in his image.

A beautiful tribute.

And stay tuned, Reuters is reporting that an American produced documentary is in the works. Can’t wait.

see also:
“Psychic Octopus Makes Time’s Top 10 Twice”
“We’ll Miss You Paul the Octopus”

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