Finding Joe

December 16th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

Finding Joe Poster

Finding Joe is a new documentary by Takaya Solomon. It explores Joseph Campbell’s ideas and their continuing impact on our culture today.

The film examines the stages of the Hero’s Journey as they can be found in our personal and universal lives – challenges, fears, dragons, battles and the return home as a changed man (or woman).

As Campbell revealed so clearly, the Hero’s story can be found in cultures everywhere and throughout time. It’s definitely there in the Fool’s journey through the Tarot.

In the film, enactments of classic tales performed by children are interwoven with interviews of people like Deepak Chopra, Mick Fleetwood, Rashida Jones, and Tony Hawk.

They’re all talking about how to live a fully realized life. Or as Campbell would have put it, how to ‘follow your bliss.’

To see a full list of all the people interviewed in the film, and where you might be able to see it, visit the Finding Joe website.

Hopefully it’ll be on DVD soon.

Finding Joe – Trailer V.7 from pat solomon on Vimeo.

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