Tarot and the Tao-Te Ching

November 23rd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

There’s a section of the Tao-Te Ching that says:

“Return is the movement of the Way;
yielding is the function of the Way;
All things in the world are born of being;
Being is born of nonbeing.”

After reading that, I asked the Science Tarot how it might describe this concept.

The card I got was the actively ‘yeilding’ Hanged Man, or as it’s called in the Science Tarot – Potential Energy.

Part of the description for this card is, “The Hanged Man is like a precariously balanced bolder. The stillness and peace of the balance eventually transforms into the movement of kinetic energy.”


(the animation of Potential Energy is from horgworm’s youtube page)

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