Tarosophy Tarot Town

October 26th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Have you had a chance to visit Tarot Town yet? If you’re a lover of the Tarot – beginner, novice or expert – it’s definitely a place to be.

It’s a new social network, sort of like facebook, but specifically for Tarot folk. There are about 3,000 members already, Tarot lovers from all over the world. Amazing!

And it’s not just a meet and chat type site. There are Tarot groups to join, forums, games, videos, a marketplace, free classes, lectures …. the list goes on. And all the celebrities of the Tarot world are there blogging, chatting, teaching or just wandering about making friends.

It’s expanding so fast I can hardly believe it. I stopped by for a quick peek to see what’s new and found myself meandering around for a couple of hours.

And I picked a fun day to visit. The Ghost Train is in town this week preparing for Halloween. I took a ride and it brought me to the seer …

Go get her to choose a card for you! And think about becoming a citizen. There’s lot’s to do there without taking up residency, but it’s only $1/month and well worth it.

If you do join (as visitor or citizen) stop by my page and be my friend (I’m ‘Georgie’).

Visit Tarot Town Today!

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