Spiral Light of Venus

January 27th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Spiral Light of Venus is a mixed media performance art project inspired by the Tarot.

Through film, spoken word, music and movement, these Boston artists are using the Major Arcana to reflect various stages of a journey, rites of passage and influences from the natural world.

Presently they’re focusing on themes surrounding the Fool, Magician, Empress, Chariot, Death, the Tower, the Moon and the Star.

If you’re an artist and/or Tarot-loving Bostonian who’d like to take part in the project, this is your chance. Perform, submit artwork or just get involved.

All ages are welcome to audition and/or submit work for consideration. And no previous knowledge of Tarot is necessary.

If you have a story, poem, dance piece, short film, or painting that relates to one of the themes above, contact Margaret McGilvray.

She’s also looking for grafitti artists, sculptors, and performance artists to create live on-stage during the show.

It’s scheduled for March 2011. If you want to be part of it, act now!!

Here’s a couple of slideshows Margaret put together. The first is a collection of Fool cards. The second is full of Moons.

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