The Judgement Card, and Pulling Again When You Don't Like the First

August 17th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

The Judgement Card from Sascha Raeburn on Vimeo

I like that this short film by Sascha Raeburn is about Tarot, or at least that the Tarot is a main focus. But I’m not sure why the characters in the story are so horrified by the Judgement card.

In the skit, two girls are asking about the relationship prospects for one of them. It’s clear that they’ve pulled some cards on the topic already and got Judgement twice. They see it as a terrible card and want to try again.

Of course, they get Judgement a third time and it creeps them out. They decide they’ve had enough and pack up, ending the movie.

#20 Judgment from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

#20 Judgement

It’s true that Judgement isn’t the most romantic card, and wouldn’t at first glance be what a young girl might hope for when asking about love, what with the gray bodies rising from their coffins and all.

But as the penultimate card in the major arcana, Judgement suggests that there’s probably something significant about the relationship in question that might be worth exploring.

A major cycle is ending and a movement to a new phase or dimension is about to take place. From a relationship perspective, this could mean that their union might be an awakening of sorts, a call to pay attention.

Together, they could come to see life from a new perspective, leaving their old ways of behaving and stale perceptions about relationships behind.

It could also suggest that the girl asking the question is on the verge of something exciting herself, some sort of major life change, and that she’s projecting these feelings onto the boy she has a crush on.

But of course this is a film and how the director wants to interpret a card in their own story is completely up to them. What’s perhaps more interesting than the card they drew and what it might mean to me, is how the characters reacted to a card they didn’t like.

What they did was pretty common in real life readings, especially for people new to Tarot – ask a question, get a card, reject it at first glance, and pull again right away.

However tempting it might be, pulling more cards, hoping for a ‘better’ one with the next draw isn’t particularly worthwhile.

It’s kind of like asking a friend for advice, looking at them without listening as they answer, then asking them the same question again immediately after they finish responding.

If this is something you find yourself doing, slow down and try staying with that first card you get, even if it doesn’t look like it makes sense. With a little contemplation it’s likely to become clear soon enough.

And if you do keep pulling and the same card keeps appearing, don’t just shove it back into the deck and carry on. If you bothered to ask the Tarot in the first place, don’t you want to know what it has to say, especially when it’s shouting?

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The Holy Mountain at MoMA PS1

May 27th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Movie Poster for Alejandro Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain

The Holy Mountain

I seem to keep writing about director and Tarot master, Alejandro Jodorowsky, but that’s because there keeps being things to write about …

The MoMA PS1 in Long Island City, NY is presenting Jodorowsky’s 1973 cult film The Holy Mountain every day, through June 30th.

It’ll be played continuously with starting times at noon, 2 p.m., and 4 p.m., during regular museum hours, in the Third Floor Main Gallery.

Of course, The Holy Mountain is available now on Blu-ray, but this is a chance to see it in a cinematic setting.

Jodorowsky himself plays the Alchemist in his film. He’s also the director, composer, set and costume designer. Clearly, he had a singular artistic/spiritual vision, and was determined to make it manifest.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono were principal funders of this occult masterpiece, and the Beatles manager, Allen Klein, produced it.

Tarot imagery abounds throughout the piece, but it’s not for the faint of heart, or those that like to keep Tarot fluffy.

The Fool is a thief and the Holy Mountain is possibly nothing more than a cinematic dream.

If you get a chance – go see it!!

And follow Jodorowsky on Twitter.

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Woman In A Cloak

February 5th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Take a look at this experimental film, Woman In A Cloak directed by D.R. Garrett, shot by Justin Von Werner and starring D.R. Garrett, John Densmore and some animated figures by Steve Harrington.

The protagonist seeks out the wisdom of a fortune teller and pulls some pretty serious cards. Tarot’s not always a party game.

The song Woman In A Cloak was written by John Densmore and performed by Silverhawk.

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Take Control of the Game

November 15th, 2010 § 1 comment § permalink

I’m not sure exactly what this is about, but I just love the video!

It seems that a French company called Arcane Prod is making a short Tarot themed film and they’re looking for particpants like actors, extras and technicians. I’m guessing that you have to be in France to take part.

The YouTube description says they’re reclaiming the Tarot Marseille and interpreting the game of life. 22 people, lives and destinies interacting like the cards. .

It looks like fun. And the song’s great too.

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