The Tower in a Doorway

August 6th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

I’ve been walking around with a camera lately, working on the minor arcana of my Graffiti Tarot.

In a laneway full of garages, I came across this door.  It sure looks like the Tower with a stairway to the Moon behind it.

I can’t imagine that’s what the person who it drew it meant, but maybe….

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Tarot In the City

December 13th, 2010 § 2 comments § permalink

This is a photo tarot deck I shot in June. Like my Graffiti Tarot, it’s Majors only for now. And you might notice I’ve stolen some cards from this one for the Graffiti deck. I couldn’t resist.

I really encourage people to go ahead and create a photo deck for themselves. Walk around your town, city, house, wherever you are. You can find Tarot symbols all over the place. Some might be hidden, but they’re all there if you look.

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