Tarot Star Tattoo

July 20th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

#17 The Star from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

The Star

The Star card in the Tarot is one of my favourites. It’s full of hope, serenity and rejuvenation after the storm.

For me the figure pouring water is like Kuan Yin, healing us all with her infinite compassion.

And the stars in the card are especially nice. As Robert Place describes them, they’re the ‘celestial ladder of ascent’, a starry stairway to heaven.

One of my clients liked them so much she decided to put them on her body forever. She got herself a Tarot Star Tattoo. And it looks fabulous.

She was good enough to share a couple of pictures of her new Stars with us all. Take a look. I love them!

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