The Cat in the Hat – a Russian Fool

April 24th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

This animated film is not about tarot, has been around since the eighties, and is in Russian. But I wanted to post it anyway.

It’s a Russian adaptation of Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat, art directed by academy award winner, Aleksandr Petrov for the Yekaterinburg-based Sverdlovsk Film Studio.

Like his American counterpart, the cat in the story arrives at the house of a couple of bored kids. His umbrella transforms into a hat and the magical journey begins.

I can’t help but see the cat as the Fool, especially when he starts the whole adventure off by falling off a mountain.

It’s great fun. And a good reminder that the very ordinary world can be an extraordinary place with just a slight shift in perspective.

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Tarot Describes the Fool

April 1st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

#0 The Fool from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

The Fool

In honour of April Fool’s Day, I asked my deck how it would describe Tarot’s Fool.

The card I got was the Page of Wands.

The page is a young person embarking on a spirited adventure, ready to leap into life with enthusiasm and joy.

Not only does he have a staff just like the Fool’s, he’s even got a red feather in his hat.

Page of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

Page of Wands

He’s energetic, courageous, and at the beginning of a journey full of life.

He’s all about fire, passion, and following your bliss – exactly what the Fool would recommend.

The Page of Wands could very well be the Fool in human form.

A perfect card, and an excellent day. Be a Fool and enjoy! Happy April!

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