The Arcana Chronicles

February 27th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Known best for her popular Immortals After Dark series, paranormal and romance writer Kresley Cole is working on a series for young adults called The Arcana Chronicles.

The first book in the series is called Poison Princess and will be out in October. The plot centers around a 16-year-old girl from Louisiana who has visions of apocalyptic events that ultimately come to pass.

In her search to figure out what’s going on she discovers other kids with similar visions and powers, all of which prove useful in the shocking new environment they find themselves in.

Though the story line is interesting enough, what particularly attracted me to this series was the ‘Arcana’ part of the chronicles.

Kresley has given Tarot’s Major Arcana a leading role in her books.

She says she was inspired by the idea of the cards coming to life as real kids, each one with special abilities based on the Tarot.

And not only the characters themselves, but the plot too was determined using the Tarot as a guide.

As might be expected, I think that’s just wonderful. And though YA literature isn’t usually my thing, I think I’m going to have to check this series out.

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