The Chariot – san francisco

August 22nd, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

In honour of San Francisco, and because I want to take a day off writing while I’m on the road, here’s a picture I took last year in SF while on a TarotSpotting mission.

It’s a possible candidate for the Chariot in my very slowly progressing San Francisco Graffiti Tarot.

San Francisco Graffiti Tarot Chariot - 1

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Chariots of San Francisco

August 30th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

I’m on the road again today, this time going home. San Francisco was amazing, and BATS 2011 was a grand success.

I’ll be posting some pictures from BATS tomorrow, but in honour of my travel home, and the wonderful city I’ve been visiting, I thought I’d post a picture of some San Francisco Chariots …

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