The Page of Cups in Seoul

July 12th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Page of Cups from the Smith Rider Waite Tarot

Traditionally, the Pages in Tarot are known to be messengers. They bring greetings from their elements of earth, air, fire, and water.

The Page of Cups, connected with the element of water, is known to bring sweet messages of love and good will.

I got to thinking of this Page when I saw the video below about Andy Knowlton’s The Drunken Poets Project.

Knowlton is an American poet living in Korea who makes little dolls with materials he finds on the street.

Not only are the dolls themselves darling, but each one carries a bottle with one of Knowlton’s poems stuffed inside.

Knowlton hides them around the Itaewon neighbourhood of Seoul, and like little Pages of Cups, they lay in wait, ready to share their messages with whoever might find them.

I love it!!!

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