Given that the new Pope, Francis I has been in the news so much lately, I asked my Dali Universal Tarot ‘what is the nature of Pope Francis I?”
As if to answer, ‘Well, obviously …,” the card I got was #5, El Sumo Sacerdote, The High Priest. In other words, the Pope.
Ha ha. I think my cards are playing with me.
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Leprechauns and shamrocks might be what first come to mind when we think of St. Patrick’s Day, but as a Tarot reader I couldn’t help but notice how much St. Patrick himself looks like the Hierophant, at least in this stained glass rendition of him.

And like the Hierophant, the patron saint of Ireland was very much concerned with tradition, religion, morality, and spreading the word he’d heard from on high.
St. Patrick’s energy is an interesting mix with that of the Leprechauns that usually share his stage. While he was known to be upright, and at least looks stern in this picture, Leprechauns are quite different.

They’re known for their mischievous ways, tricks and wishes, and all things unconventional.
It’s like the Fool is playing with the Master. And I for one think it’s great.

It keeps the Hierophant from gaining too much control with imposed structure, yet reigns in the wildest antics of the Fool. Kind of a perfect mix.
So today as you raise a glass of green beer to toast Saint Patrick and the Leprechauns, you might want to add an extra toast to the Hierophant and the Fool.
They might not be Irish, but they’ve got the spirit. Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!
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