The Sun and the Origin of Light

October 27th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

#19 The Sun from the Smith Waith Tarot

In Tarot, the traditional RWS Sun card shows a child riding a horse outside a stone fence surrounded by sunflowers. The child holds a flag of victory and the sun itself shines huge behind him.

The Sun represents a time of joy-filled culmination. It’s a celebration, the end of a struggle and the attainment of a goal long wished for.

When the Sun appears in a reading, freedom, exhilaration, and clarity can be yours (at least for a brief moment) as the Moon’s shadows have finally been replaced by pure light.

Check out the video below from SpaceRip called The Origin of Light.

Though it’s a scientific take on the Sun and its light, it’s as magically wonderful as any Tarot card explanation could be.

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