Gala Dali's Life Through Tarot

October 4th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

catalog cover for the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida

Dali Museum

In the off chance that you happen to be in St. Petersburg, Florida tonight and were looking for a Tarot oriented activity to attend, it’s your lucky day.

My Unspeakable Confessions: Gala Dali Declines to Explain Herself will be performed tonight at 8:00 pm at the Salvador Dali Museum.

Heather L. Jones wrote the one act play, and Roxanne Fay plays Gala Dali.

It tells the story of the wife and muse of Salvador Dali through her own remarkable voice, and her relationship with the Tarot.

It’s sounds fascinating. I wish it were running longer.

Even if you miss it though, visiting the museum sounds like a good idea. It has one of the largest Dali collections in the world.

I bet they have some of his Tarot cards.

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