Mars in Taurus – The Tower’s Lightening Strikes the Hierophant’s Throne

March 9th, 2017 § Comments Off on Mars in Taurus – The Tower’s Lightening Strikes the Hierophant’s Throne § permalink

Tower Striking the Hierophant's Throne

Lightening Strikes the Hierophant

Mars moves into Taurus tomorrow and stays there until April 21st.

Looking at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it’s like the Tower’s lightening has struck the Hierophant’s throne. And his acolytes are tumbling down.

When Mars moves into Taurus, and the Hierophant’s stone throne is struck by lightening, we might find that what we thought was certain, no longer seems so obvious.

Belief structures might shift, and rules that used to make sense might now feel outmoded.

Old ways of seeing the spirit, religion or traditional structures are all up for review. As could be our perceptions about who really has moral authority.

Don’t be afraid of letting tradition for tradition’s sake fall away. And if an idol or two falls with it, that’s all right too.

It might be a bit chaotic for a moment, but this is your chance to find faith in yourself. Use it as an opportunity to start being your own last word.

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Mars in Taurus – The Tower's Lightening Strikes the Hierophant's Throne

April 20th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Tower Striking the Hierophant's Throne

Lightening Strikes the Hierophant

Mars moves into Taurus today and stays there until May 31st.

Looking at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it’s like the Tower’s lightening has struck the Hierophant’s throne. And his acolytes are tumbling down.

When Mars moves into Taurus, and the Hierophant’s stone throne is struck by lightening, we might find that what we thought was certain, no longer seems so obvious.

Belief structures might shift, and rules that used to make sense might now feel outmoded.

Old ways of seeing the spirit, religion or traditional structures are all up for review. As could be our perceptions about who really has moral authority.

Don’t be afraid of letting tradition for tradition’s sake fall away. And if an idol or two falls with it, that’s all right too.

It might be a bit chaotic for a moment, but this is your chance to find faith in yourself. Use it as an opportunity to start being your own last word.

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