The Knight of Swords, the Fool, and the Jet Man

December 11th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

#0 The Fool from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

Foolish, brave, or just the Jet Man? Take a look at the video below of Yves Rossy, a former stuntman and fighter jet pilot who’s made himself a flying man.

I couldn’t help but think of the Fool when I saw him. How could you not when you see a man leaping from a helicopter high above the Swiss Alps.

He’s confident he won’t plunge to his death. In fact, he fully intends to soar with the birds.
And not just any birds – jet fighters!

The Knight of Swords from the Thoth Tarot

When Rossy joins the Albatross aircrafts in the sky, the image of the Fool transformed to one of the Knight of Swords from the Thoth Tarot.

Focused, fast and able to manouever in any direction, this Knight and Rossy have a lot in common.

And look at the bottom right corner of the card. The Knight’s flying with some birds, just like Rossy does.

So if you’re wondering what the Fool dressed as the Knight (or more traditionally the King) of Swords might look like, I think we’ve just found out.

He’d look like Yves Rossy, the Jet Man.

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