Mars in Libra – the Tower’s Lightening Strikes Justice

October 5th, 2019 § Comments Off on Mars in Libra – the Tower’s Lightening Strikes Justice § permalink

Mars in Libra, the Tower Strikes Justic

Mars just moved into Libra and will stay there until November 19th.

From a Tarot perspective, this transit is like the Tower’s lightening is striking the seat of Justice. Balance is being mightily realigned.

With Mars in Libra, or the Tower’s lightening striking Justice’s throne, definitions of what’s right or wrong become less clear. Mental paradigms begin to shift.

During this time, take advantage of any unexpected changes in your life to look at things from a new perspective.

Old connections, patterns, and methods of decision-making might be open for review. Don’t be afraid to shake things up.

Out of the chaos, a new balance will emerge. It might not be what you expected, but it will be just right.

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