The Knight of Cups is Crossing Canada

July 15th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Knight of Cups from the Smith Waite Tarot

It’s like the Knight of Cups has come to life!

Vincent Gabriel Kirouac is on a quest to promote valour, chivalry, and all-around good mannered respect among people.

Starting from his hometown of Quebec City, Kirouac is riding his horse, Lionheart, across Canada – and in full Knight’s regalia no less!!

He’s crossing Saskatchewan right now, and from all accounts his message is being well received. At least people seem happy to feed and lodge both him and his horse.

And like Tarot’s Knight of Cups, Kirouac’s message is one of love. He wants to be a model of kindness, integrity, tolerance, and devotion.

He wants to remind everyone to be good to each other, and to show the world that there are plenty of wonderful people everywhere you go.

When he gets to Calgary, Kirouac will have to load Lionheart into a trailer and they’ll cross the Rockies by truck.

But from Richmond, BC, they’ll hit the ground again for the last 30-kilometer stretch to Vancouver’s Stanley Park.

Kirouac is hoping to pick up some fellow Knights for the last leg of the journey. Wouldn’t it be great if he gets a whole legion? I hope he does.

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