The Winnipeg Tarot Company

November 3rd, 2010 § 2 comments § permalink

I just read about a group of Tarot lovers in Winnipeg, Manitoba. They call themselves the Winnipeg Tarot Company and were founded by Lorri Millan and Shawna Dempsey. They and their pack of prairie prognosticators sound so fun I wish they were here! But they probably wouldn’t want to be. Winnipeg is their love and they’re spreading Tarot all over it.

Winnipeg Tarot Company Tarot Deck

Winnipeg Tarot Co. Deck

First off, they’ve made a deck dedicated to their beloved city.  It was created by Millan and Dempsey and illustrated by Bonnie Marin.  As they describe it, “Each card depicts one of the mysterious and mystical energies that inform ‘One Great City’.”

The Major Arcana features local Winnipeg icons while the four suits are Blizzards, Floods, Drought and Lightning.  Everything from mosquitoes to the Blue Bombers, Slurpees to K-tel have been transformed into the magical.  It sounds like a Canadian Tarotist’s dream. Try it out with a free reading here.

But it wasn’t enough to just design and publish a deck, these oracles literally took it to the streets. Last month, every day, they set out around town doing free Tarot readings with their Winnipeg Tarot Co. Deck. Watch the video on their home page. They’re fabulous!!

The Winnipeg Tarot Company doesn’t accept cash for readings, but they do expect payment. After each session, the readers asked for a story about Winnipeg. And they got lots. They gathered them all up and you can hear some of them here.

What a great way to spread the fun of the Tarot while celebrating your city. I love it! Let’s do it in Toronto!

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