May 6th, 2014 § § permalink
After 24 years on Harbord Street, Wonderworks, a fabulous Toronto metaphysical market-place, art gallery and workshop space, is moving East … only a few blocks really, over to Baldwin Street, but it’s still a big deal.
Take a look at the video below of owner Rochelle Holt talking about Wonderworks, past and present, and get a peek inside the new space.
And if you’re interested in helping out, visit the Wonderworks IndieGoGo project page to learn more.
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January 31st, 2013 § § permalink
If you’re a spiritual practitioner in the Toronto area looking to increase both your connection to ‘spirit’ and to other people working in the field, you might be interested in the Spiritual Seekers Conference.
The weekend long gathering will be held at Wonderworks, and hosted by Andrew McGregor of The Hermit’s Lamp, Monica Bodirsky of Hedgewitchery, and Rochelle Holt of Wonderworks.
They’ve got a long line-up of excellent presenters – James Wells, Tammy Neilson, Erin Bentley, Chris Emmanuel, Anita Kuno, Des Sagrago, and of course McGregor, Bodirsky and Holt as well.
It’s going to be a really interesting weekend!!
Visit the Spiritual Seekers Conference website to learn more!
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May 14th, 2012 § § permalink
There are fewer and fewer occult and magic shops around these days. Even in big cities, the pickings are slim.
It’s that way in Toronto too, which is too bad. I miss them. Fortunately though, they’re not all gone.
Andrew McGregor’s The Hermit’s Lamp up on Vaughn Road is a new favourite of mine, and I’ll be writing about his upcoming Hermetica Art Show some time in the next couple of weeks.
But there’s also Wonderworks down on Harbord Street, owned and operated by Rochelle Holt. The Goddess is well represented at the shop through Holt’s large selection of Wiccan and Pagan items.
She also has Tarot books and decks, incense and crystals, herbs, oils, pendulums! All the magical goods you could possibly need.
In addition to the store, Wonderworks hosts classes and art shows. I’ve been to quite a few Tarot workshops there and they’ve all been great.
Monica Bodirsky is teaching a Tarot Intensive series there right now. It started last Thursday, but there are still five sessions left.
You can take all five, or sign up for individual modules – no prerequisites required.
To see what else is going on at Wonderworks, check out their calendar. There’s something magic every day.
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