Yoav Ben-Dov's Tarot

May 9th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink

A few months back, Donnaleigh de LaRose recommended I read Yoav Ben-Dov’s Tarot: The Open Reading. I’m really glad she did, I like it. It talks about the Tarot Marseille, and as might be expected by the title, Yoav Ben-Dov’s ‘Open Reading’ style of using it.

Especially for those readers who might be intimidated by the Marseille deck, I recommend this book. But I think all readers are likely to find it interesting, whether they use the Tarot Marseille or not. With it’s no-rote style of teaching the cards, Ben-Dov’s method can reinvigorate how you look at any deck.

In addition to writing the book, Yoav Ben-Dov has also done his own restoration of the Marseille deck called the CBD Tarot de Marseille. I don’t have a copy of it yet myself, but I definitely want one, and watching Donnaleigh’s video review of it (below) makes me want it even more.

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CBD Tarot

August 29th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Le Bateleur or The Magician from Yoav Ben-Dov's CBD Tarot

Le Bateleur

Yoav Ben-Dov has reproduced Nicholas Conver’s 1760 Tarot of Marseille, and he shows us how he does it.

In the video below, you can see the restoration process with the Magician as an example.

The CBD Tarot restoration is based on several versions of the Conver deck printed between the early 19th century and 1960.

The black lines from each of the decks he used were printed from the same woodcuts made in 1760. Only the colouring is different.

Ben-Dove copied the lines by hand with ink on paper, then scanned them into a computer in order to clean them up, and re-colour them.

He made some other changes as well, that you can see in the video. You can take a look at all the cards on his website.

It’s a nice deck.

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