Beyond Worlds by Zach Wong

April 19th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Zach Wong's Beyond Worlds

Beyond Worlds by Zach Wong

It’s the four co-hosts of Beyond Worlds! We’ve been immortalized by Zach Wong, creator of the gorgeous Revelations Tarot.

And I for one couldn’t be more thrilled. Not only is it really fun to be a mermaid, but to be one with a body like that!

Revelations Tarot by Zach Wong

Revelations Tarot

Zach’s drawn us like the four suits of his Revelations deck.

Theresa Reed is the Queen of Pentacles, Storm Cestavani, the King of Swords, Donnaleigh de LaRose is the Queen of Wands, and I’m the Queen of Cups.

I’m crazy about it! The elements, the tools, Storm’s wings. It’s all amazing.

Thank you Zach!! It’s a real honour.
Zach was on Beyond Worlds last week with Storm and Donnaleigh. If you missed it, you can listen here -> Beyond Worlds with Zach Wong.

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