Zoning Changes for Strippers and Fortune-Tellers

March 2nd, 2011 § 5 comments

The City of Lindsay, California is looking into changing its existing zoning ordinances for sexually-oriented businesses and fortune-tellers.

Council would like there to be a 1,000-foot buffer between churches, parks and schools, and sexually-oriented businesses.

They’d also like these businesses to be at least 500 feet away from residential areas.

Lumped into almost the same category as strip clubs and adult bookstores, are fortune-tellers and tattoo artists.

Council intends to regulate where they can and cannot operate, and are calling for a 500-foot buffer around churches, schools, parks and residential areas.

Before going forward, Mayor Ed Murray wants to see a map showing what areas would be included and excluded as possible locations for such establishments.

City staff are drawing one up for him now.

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