It's In the Cards – cabaret show in Seattle

May 14th, 2011 § 0 comments

It's In the Cards Press release image

This looks fun …

It’s In the Cards is a cabaret show in Seattle that wants to take audiences on a Fool’s Journey.

Jayne Muirhead and John Engerman have blended the oracular with the musical.

Using Tarot, palmistry, and astrology as their themes, they’ve turned divination into a cabaret.

Before each performance, the audience will be given an opportunity to submit questions. And some of them will get answers.

Not to mention, Muirhead and Engerman will be making some inquiries of their own.

Why are we here? Why art? Why do fools fall in love? Why suffer?

Big questions. But not too big for the cards or the cabaret.

Shows run June 3-4, and 10-11 at ACT.

If I were in Seattle, I’d go.

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