HEXEN 2.0 Tarot

March 14th, 2012 § 0 comments

HEXEN 2.0 Tarot by Suzanne Treister

Suzanne Triester is the creator of the HEXEN 2.0 Tarot deck. And from the looks of it, it’s a Tarot reading conspiracy theorists’ dream deck.

Loosely based on the Golden Dawn system, Triester’s HEXEN 2.0 Tarot depicts the interconnected histories of the computer, the internet, counterculture, cybernetics, social engineering, government and military research projects, and the occult.

The deck is part of a larger project called HEXEN 2.0, which is presently on display at London’s Science Museum.

It’s a sequel to HEXEN 2039, and brings together large-scale alchemical diagrams, photo-text works, a film representing a cybernetic séance, and the Tarot deck.

The show runs through May 1st, and it’s free! The deck isn’t available yet, but it will be soon. I’ve got it on my wish list already.

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