A Mother's Day Tarot Spread

May 12th, 2012 § 0 comments

In honour of Mother’s Day tomorrow I came up with a little Mother’s Day spread.

It can be used in relation to your own mother, or to anyone who has been a significant nurturing influence in your life, even a guy.

#3 The Empress from the Smith Waite Tarot

The grand mother in the Tarot is the Empress.

She speaks of creativity, empathy, nurturance, and compassion, traits that can be found in all of us regardless of sex or gender.

But moms seem especially good at mirroring the qualities of the Empress, and my own mom is truly a star.

I can’t thank her enough and I can only wish that everyone might have such an influence in their life.

So thank you Mom!! And to all the Moms out there, thank you!! May your day be filled with flowers, sunshine and lots of love!

Mothers’ Day Spread:

1. What have I learnt from my mother?

2. How might I best incorporate that lesson into my life?

3. How might I acknowledge and or thank my mother for this gift?

4. How can I get in touch with my own maternal nature?

5. How can I share the best of my maternal nature with others?

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